

Our Rosenberger Storks on the Factory Chimney



In 1988, storks were a rarity in Upper Bavaria. According to the LBV (Landesbund für Vogelschutz) only one or two pairs of storks were domiciled here at that time. But in spring 1988 a small flock of storks stayed in the Fridolfing area and one pair tried to build a nest for the first time and breed on the inoperative Rosenberger chimney, which is about 30 meters high. Unfortunately, several storms blew away the nesting material from the smooth cover plate multiple times, so the storks gave up and disappeared.



It was decided to build a nest with a bracket and to have it mounted on the chimney by a helicopter, because at that time there were no load-bearing fire department ladders of this length. Finally, the project "Stork's Nest" could be carried out by the flying squadron of the Bundeswehr and with the support of Hans Rosenberger. In February 1989, the helicopter type BO 105 M transported the nest and the fixture up to the platform of the chimney.



It took a few years, but in April 1994 the nest was finally inhabited for the first time by a young pair of storks, which successfully bred and raised 2 young birds.






1995 - 2004

In the following years, successful broods occurred regularly, to the delight of all Rosenberger employees. Some of the storks helped themselves to the goldfish in the pond on the premises or cheekily knocked on the window panes.





2005 - 2007

Unfortunately, in the years 2005 to 2007 there were several severe storms with hail and extraordinary low temperatures, which some storks did not survive.






In 2008, the year of the company's 50th anniversary, a pair of storks successfully reared several young birds. What a great joy in the anniversary year, since our storks have become beloved mascots and a "natural environmental certificate". 





2009 - 2018

In these ten years, few breeding successes of our returned storks alternated with increasing absence of the parents. Some birds passed by on their way through, could not find a mate and departed again.



Finally, after more than ten years, a pair of storks got together and managed to raise a youngster. 

But the little stork was not raised in the existing nest, which has become pretty old and dirty over the years, but instead in a new one, built dangerously close to the edge of the chimney.



On hot summer days, one parent provided shade for the little one at a temperature of almost 40 degrees celsius, the other one looked for food at the nearby water hole.






After the departure of the storks in autumn 2019, the nest, which is now 30 years old, was removed for safety reasons. Committed employees manufactured a new nest including a secure mounting. 

The new nest was re-installed in February 2020 before the storks returned. The installation was successfully carried out with a 45 meter high crane.

Hans Rosenberger did not miss the opportunity to see the operation for himself at dizzy heights.


The returning storks were awaited with great excitement. Already in March, both storks settled in, fortunately accepted the new nest immediately and started breeding.





Usually four eggs are laid, of which two young storks survived the storms of 2020 and because of the good care they grew very successfully.










Again, the storks returned healthy, but once more due to cold weather during the breeding season they could raise only one young stork.


All three birds used the recently installed cell phone antenna as a welcome vantage point. The picture shows the parents.














One of our storks has already returned safely in February, we are very happy.


2022 March 24th, six weeks late to the first, the second stork arrived.







The pleasure is great - with us and especially with the first stork.








Five young storks were reported in May, followed by a very cold weather period. Presumably, all young storks died within a month from lack of food due to the wet and cold weather.

22 05 2022

Drone shows five young storks

01 06 2022

Sunshine after very cold period

13 06 2022

June - only surviving young stork 
July - no young stork survived



20th February 2023 - One of our storks arrived at our chimney
8th March 2023 - The second stork arrived
1st May 2023 - Only one young stork spotted
10th May 2023 - Nest is emty, no young storks survived



At minus 15 degrees and heavy snowfall, our storks did not fly off until the beginning of December.






7th February

First stork arrived

13th February

Second storck arrived

29th April

It is now certain that there are three young storks in the nest


2nd of May

Dronephoto from our colleague Cedric Lohr (R&D)


June - ready for take-off?

6th June

First flight exercises

7th June

Parents (red beak) take care of the young storcks (black beak)

27th June

Youngsters on tour