HSS2020 Face Shield Made in Germany


HÖRL first learned about the Maker vs Virus campaign and the urgent need for face protection in hospitals through campaign member Tobias Hermann. He had attempted to produce the carrying frames required for face shields using a 3D printer, and although his results had been successful, he had also found that each frame took almost an hour and a half to print. HÖRL’s management board and entire team were keen to help him out and wasted no time in getting involved in the project.

In a record time of just 24 hours, the team had managed to design and build a suitable injection mold – a process that normally takes up to four weeks. The injection-molding process has made it possible to cut down the time required to produce a frame to just 13 seconds. Once a supplier for the panes accompanying the frames had been found, the first batch was delivered to nearby hospitals a short time later. The panes feature rounded edges that eliminate the risk of injury to doctors and nursing staff.

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